- impact
Creative Science Labs was functionally lost and sought a better understanding of what their sales process should look like.
Development of a proper outbound sales process, a list of target accounts, and strategic messaging. We also trimmed the sales team down to the most valuable players.
A stronger sales team, a proactive outbound process, and a major increase in revenue. Average deal size grew from $35K to $75K.
About Creative Science Labs
Industry: Web Design & Development
Location: Washington D.C.
Size: 20 – 30 Employees
Creative Science Labs is a web design company that designs and develops all websites based on theories derived from Behavioral Economics.
The Challenge
Creative Science Labs was looking for a better way. Annual revenue for 2016 was just shy of $3.7MM. Cost of sales was close to 30% of that, which did not even factor in cost of goods sold or overhead.
The Rose Garden discovery process unearthed several issues that affected their sales potential; they had too many salespeople on their team, lacked a proper sales process, and the cost of sales was too high to be sustainable. These things weighed down the company and resulted in a reactive process. Rather than chase leads, they waited for things to happen. They wanted to grow but weren’t engaged in revenue-driving activities.
Their process focused too heavily on themselves and what their capabilities were, rather than their clients’ problems. During our discovery process, we found their sales playbook asked only surface-level questions. These did not engage with or evoke any real emotion from prospects. Evoking emotion is something we’ve determined to be one of the biggest success factors in closing deals. So, with that, we got to work.
“[Rose Garden] helped us completely revamp our outbound strategy … our average deal size went from $35K to $75K just from a few tweaks that [Rose Garden] helped us make to our proposals.”
Creative Science Labs
Our Solution
The biggest solution we provided was completely transforming the manner in which Creative Science Labs generated leads and referrals. Rose Garden implemented a process where Creative Science Labs went outbound to find prospects. This seemingly simple fix netted significant results. Previously, Creative Science Labs waited for inbound leads and neglected to use their best assets – their people – to go out and generate new business. Rose Garden created a process that was systematic, easy to follow, and fairly simple. Then, we trimmed the sales team from five to two individuals who exhibited considerable strengths. By putting a process in place and optimizing the team, these two individuals drove sales at a significantly higher rate than the previous team of five.
In addition to this leaner team and fresh outbound process, Rose Garden created a list of accounts for Creative Science Labs to target. Hyper-focused on specific individuals and accounts, we tailored messaging to fit the prospects’ needs. Creative Science Labs was then armed to engage them with strategic discussions. While some accounts were quick wins, others required long-term effort to build relationships and close the deal when the time was right.
The Results
Between 2013 and 2015, the average deal size was between $35K and $50K. In 2017, the average deal size jumped to $75K. Revenue increased by 35 percent and the cost of sales dropped below 10 percent of revenue.
Average Deal Size
Are you ready?
We only work with the most determined and passionate leaders. If you want to close more deals, multiply your revenue, and scale your business, we’re ready to take action.